One important piece of legislation that controls the working conditions, rights, and responsibilities of employees in a range of settings, including shops, offices, and commercial establishments, is the Shop and Commercial Establishment Act. It creates a balanced and secure work environment by guaranteeing fair treatment, work hours, vacations, and other crucial elements.

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Any citizen wishing to start a new store or begin a commercial enterprise under the authority of the Maharashtra government must register with the B Shops and Commercial Establishment Act, 1948.

  • Online Registration of New Licence.
  • Renewal of Licence.
  • Cancellation of Licence
  • Change in Licence (Address and name in Occupier).

Documentation needed to register a new store or commercial establishment in India

In India, the Shop and enterprise Act requires you to submit specific paperwork and data to the appropriate local government when registering a new store or commercial enterprise. Although state-by-state variations may exist in the specific criteria, the following is a broad list of documents and information often required for new registration:

1-Application Form: A properly completed application for Shop and Establishment Act registration. Usually, the relevant authorities or the local municipal corporation provides this form.

2-Proof of Identity and Address:

  • Proof of identity and address of the owner or proprietor of the establishment (such as Aadhar card, PAN card, passport, or voter ID card).
  • In case of a company or partnership firm, proof of identity and address of all directors/partners.

3-roof of Ownership or Tenancy:

  • ownership records for the property where the establishment is located, such as a property deed or tenancy agreement.

4-Details of Establishment:

  • Name of the establishment
  • Address of the establishment
  • Nature of business or activities conducted

5-Number of Employees:

  • Estimated number of employees working in the establishment

6-Nature of Business Activities:

  • Description of the goods or services provided by the establishment

7-Bank Account Details:

  • The establishment’s bank account information for salary payments and other financial transactions.


  • Recent photographs of the establishment’s exterior and interior.

9-Other Documents:

  • Any further paperwork or declarations that the applicable state’s unique Shop and Establishment Act regulations demand.

Once you’ve acquired all the required paperwork, you may send it, along with the appropriate registration costs, to the designated authorities or the local municipal corporation. You will obtain the registration certificate following the verification process, which attests to the legal existence of your business and its adherence to the Shop and Establishment Act. A copy of the registration certificate should be kept on file at the facility since it might be needed for inspection.