
  • Employees State Insurance Act, 1948
  • Employees Provident Fund and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952
  • The Payment of Bonus Act 1965
  • The Payment of Wages Act 1936
  • The Minimum Wages Act 1948
  • The Payment of Gratuity Act 1972
  • The Equal Remuneration Act 1976
  • The Maternity Benefit Act 1961
  • The Contract Labour Act 1970
  • The Workmen Compensation Act 1923
  • The Child Labour_Act 1986
  • The Factories Act 1948
  • The Industrial Disputes Act 1947
  • The Industrial Employment (Standing Orders) Act 1946
  • The Building and Other Construction Workers Act 1996
  • The Building and Other Constraction Workers Welfare Cess Act 1996
  • Sexual Harrasment of Women at Workplace Prevention Prohibition and Redressal Act 2013
  • The Punjab Shops and Commercial Establishments Act 1958
  • The Punjab Labour Welfare Fund Act 1965
  • Punjab industrial establishments national and festival holiday 1965
  • Motor Transport Workers Act 1961
  • The sales promotion act
  • Trade unions act 1926
  • The Inter State Migrant Workmen Act 1979
  • The Employment Exchange Act, 1959
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