In order to guarantee the wellbeing and safety of construction workers, the Building and Other Construction Workers’ Welfare Board (BOCW Board) is essential. The Building and Other Construction Workers (Regulation of Employment and Conditions of Service) Act, 1996 and the Building and Other Construction Workers’ Welfare Cess Act, 1996 impose various duties on businesses operating in the construction industry with regard to the BOCW Board.

The following are typical responsibilities of the BOCW Welfare Board with regard to construction companies:

1-Registration of Establishments: Contractors doing construction work as well as construction establishments are registered with the BOCW Board. Businesses engaged in construction must register with the BOCW Board and abide by the BOCW Act’s regulations.

2-Collection of Cess: The BOCW Board collects cess (levy) from employers in the construction sector. This cess is used to fund various welfare schemes and measures for the benefit of construction workers.

3-Welfare Measures:Developing and executing welfare programs for construction workers is the responsibility of the BOCW Board. These plans could include social security benefits, healthcare benefits, housing plans, education aid, and skill development initiatives.

4-Inspections and Compliance: The BOCW Board conducts inspections to ensure compliance with the provisions of the BOCW Act and other relevant regulations. we may inspect construction sites to verify the implementation of safety measures and the provision of welfare facilities for workers.

5-Disbursement of Benefits: Benefits under various welfare schemes are disbursed to qualifying construction workers with the assistance of the BOCW Board. This could involve funding, health benefits, and help for schooling.

In general, the BOCW Welfare Board safeguards the rights and interests of construction workers and advances their welfare and general well-being by acting as a regulating body. Businesses in the construction industry are obligated by law to collaborate with the BOCW Board and to uphold their responsibilities for the welfare and safety of construction workers.